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Make reading an important part of your child's life.

Make reading an exciting time at home. Build a fort and read inside, read before bedtime for added bonding time, read in the backyard under a shady tree. Be the example for your child. Let them see you reading and they will understand how important it is. I love the chart below that shows just how important reading with your child is and it shouldn't stop once they can read alone! By reading with your older children you can discuss what they're reading and ask questions to guide higher level thinking. Long are the days of read and recall. While we want student to remember what they're reading, we also want them to be making connections, inferring, predicting, visualizing, asking "thick" questions, and using those metacognative skills needed to be come critical thinkers. 

Remember, there are 3 ways to read a book: 

1. Tell the story by looking at the pictures.

2. Read the words. 

3. Have someone read it to you, and pay attention!

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