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I'm excited to tell you that our fall Scholastic Book Fair has been scheduled for the week of November 7-11! The students will come during the first couple of days with their class to preview the books and make a wishlist. Students may then purchase books by bringing home their wishlist, going through with a parent and circling their choices, and returning the form with the money during the week. Mrs. Cross and Mrs. Cannell will fill orders when we can (we still conduct all scheduled library classes during the week). This method is best to make sure we are not interrupting instruction time with students browsing for extended periods of time. You may also come with your child (or alone if your you're shopping for holiday gifts!) on the evening of November 9 from 5:00-7:30. 

Book fairs are also a great fundraiser for the library. With budgets being small and library-bound books being very expensive, this is a perfect opportunity for you to share the love of reading with your child and for us to help our library collection grow!  

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